• 小鬼穿靴子     权利的游戏 Jon Snow满血归来的三大可能性

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    First comes denial, then anger, and now it's time for bargaining.


    The Game of Thrones season five finale featured nail-biting cliffhangers and devastating deaths, including the seemingly fatal stabbing of Jon Snow.

    第五季最后一集的特点在于让人神经紧张的悬崖峭壁和令人绝望的各种死亡,包括看起来似乎致命的插向Jon Snow的那一刀。

    Not only is he supersexy, but he's also one of the show's most compelling characters. He can't be dead — he just can't!


    While Kit Harington and more have said that he is definitively dead, that doesn't necessarily mean he's going to stay dead, especially now that he's featured on the first look at season six.

    当基特·哈灵顿(Jon Snow的实验者)和其它人都说他绝对已经死了时,这不说明他就这么永久地死去了,尤其是现在他出现在了第六季的海报上。 1. Melisandre Will Bring Him Back


    Think back to season three. Remember when Arya and Gendry ran into the Brotherhood Without Banners?


    Beric Dondarrion and The Hound get into a fight, and Beric ends up with a fatal wound. Instead of dying, Thoros of Myr, a priest who worships the Lord of Light, brings him back to life.


    As it turns out, Beric has died and been brought back multiple times, but each time, he loses a little bit of himself.


    Conveniently, Melisandre, aka the Lord of Light's biggest fan, is at Castle Black when Jon is murdered.


    Now that Stannis, who she thought was Azor Ahai, is dead, she may be looking for a new "chosen one" to follow.


    She and Jon did have some crazy tension over that burial fire that one time.

    而且她和Jon在殉葬之火旁边也的确擦出过一点火花。 2. He Will Become a White Walker — Possibly Even the New Night's King


    Let's go ahead and assume that yes, Jon Snow is definitely dead.


    If the Night's Watch doesn't burn his body in time, he could be resurrected as a wight.那么,如果守夜人不及时把他的尸体烧掉,他就会以异鬼的身份复活。

    We don't know how White Walkers are created, but it's possible that he could become one of those.


    Only two episodes ago, we see the Night's King take an interest in Jon at Hardhome when his Valyrian steel sword shatters a White Walker.


    Legend has it that the Night's King is a Stark, and maybe he could sense the a Stark, and maybe he could sense the Stark blood in Jon, as well.


    After all, why would the writers show such an interesting interaction between the Night's King and Jon Snow just to have Jon die almost immediately?


    Will Jon somehow inherit the Night's King's post as leader of the White Walkers?

    Jon会不会继承夜鬼之王的位置,成为异鬼的新一任领袖呢? 3. Jon Will Warg Into Ghost, His DirewolfJon 会化身为鬼魂,附着在他的灵狼身上

    Warging is what happens when a person's consciousness is transferred into another living creature.


    We've seen Bran warg into both a direwolf and into Hodor. Orell, the wildling, also warged into an eagle during his fight with Jon.


    What I'm establishing here is that this is definitely a thing.

    While Jon may be dead as a doornail, it's possible that he warged into his direwolf, Ghost, before dying.


    If this is the case, how would he get out of Ghost now that his body is dead?


    Would he need to warg into a different person, and if so, who? Or, will he be stuck in Ghost for the rest of his days? PS:在最后感谢提供材料的有道

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