• ~魂魂~     【万圣节恐怖故事】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Hi 各位兄台好呀 😀小女子魂魂这厢有礼了~ 本人超爱恐怖片😍(但是没有深入研究过)爱到会半夜一个人窝被子里看午夜凶铃的那种(只要窝在被子里什么都敢看)炒鸡享受汗毛慢慢一根一根竖起来的赶脚!

    故事发生在X西省的某所财经大学里 我舍友的表亲是那个学校的老师 这所大学经常发生一些怪事儿 比如它的主楼 每到傍晚看 就是朦朦胧胧的 像是起雾了 但看旁边其他建筑 并没有此现象 下面要讲的故事据说是真的发生过 真假我不确定 不过这学校有过那么几个轻生的人倒是不假 ~~~


    ~Come Here ~


    Now take a deep breath and listen ,so you can only hear my voice .
    Two young lovers went to study on their own . On that night there were only a few rooms were opened on that floor and only a few students were studying . The girl wanted to go to washroom which was at the end of the corridor ,and all the corridor lights just didn't work at that day . She felt a little scary so she asked her boyfriend to go with her .


    The boy waited outside the washroom , playing his mobile phone. He seemed to hear the sound of opening the window ,then a wind suddenly sprang up . He turned to the window , and he saw a piece of white stuff flying outside the window . He felt very strange then he stared at that stuff and he found it was a woman in white ! The woman uplifted her arm and beckoned him "come here " , "come here " . He was thunderstruck and he wanted to shout , but his voice didn't work , as if an invisible hand clutched his throat . He forced himself not to look at the woman and forget her voice . Then his girlfriend came out . He took her quickly and left then he sent her back to her dorm immediately without saying a single word .


    After he coming back to his dorm , he began to have a high fever and shaken , then he fell unconscious . His roommates didn't know what happened to him . And the school doctor didn't know what to do with him . They had no choice but to call his parents . His parents took him back and spent lots of money and time finding various doctors , but it was in vain . Then the parents invited a Taoist to help him . The Taoist said the boy was possessed by a ghost . Then the Taoist expelled the ghost from the boy , then the boy came to life .


    After his recovery , he went back to school with the Taoist , and told everything to their schoolmaster . The schoolmaster looked up the School History, and found that more than 3 people had jumped out and died from that very window . The first person was a girl with a white dress . The Taoist built a wall to block off that window and hid plenty of amulets inside the wall .
    This story came to an end , but the odd legends of that school have never stopped .

    中文版 实在不敢回楼道录了



    逼着舍友们讲了好多灵异小事件 (我们宿舍严禁有关此类一切东西)挑了这么一个恐怖指数处中等的 然后翻译 输内容 浏览大量恐怖图片 找合适的 听了十几支恐怖片背景音 最后大晚上一个人蹲在过往人较少的楼道里录的💀 有关那个超恐怖😱背景音 声儿大了怕吓着别人 声儿小了没啥子效果 只好放弃了😔 录的时候被打断无数次😣 期间吓得一位姑娘扶着扶手惊恐的看着我😂还被一对秀恩爱的小情侣霸占了我熟悉的楼层😩 而且我录的时候时不时想到去年平安夜那天 我们这栋宿舍楼15层一学姐凌晨爬到21楼跳楼了 回放时带着耳机一不小心戳了最后一个绿条 绷不住了 有错误我也不敢回去重录了 本来我是都不怕的 但这几天一直接触这些东西 神经有些脆弱 不禁吓... 啰嗦这么多 只求一赞

    此条慎戳❗️❗️❗️真心❗️❗️❗️只有短短15s 我是在录不下去了...
    Lost Rivers


    1970-01-01   21赞       2踩       520浏览 评论(35)
女 入行配角lv20


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