• _琥珀珀珀_     Drenched

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    When minutes become hours

    When days become years

    And I don't know where you are

    Color seems so dull without you

    Have we lost our minds?


    What have we done?

    But it all doesn't seem to matter


    When you kissed me on that street,

    I kissed you back

    You held me in your arms,

    I held you in mine

    You picked me up

    to lay me down

    When I look into your eyes

    I can hear you cry for a litter bit more of you

    and I'm drenched in your love

    I'm no longer able to hold it back

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       201浏览 评论(3)
女 中级配角lv30


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