• 阿刁♞     你是“英语哑巴”吗?聊天时 10句必学的话!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    原创 2015-10-28 WSE 华尔街英语






    Small talk top 10
    I hear many people complain that they don’t know how to start a conversation. It’s the same for all people of the world in any language so here are the top ten ways to start a conversation. We call it the Small talk top ten.
    1. You must be Susan's husband.

    “You must be” is used to start talking and introduce yourself to someone, when you think you know who the person is.
    2. How's your wife / friend?

    This phrase is used to ask the person you are talking to for information about someone close to them.
    3. Nice weather, isn't it?

    Used when you can't think of anything else to talk about. If the weather is bad, you could say 'Rotten weather, isn't it?' instead.
    4. What's new?
    5. What have you been up to?
    Phrases for general enquiries, asking for news about a person.

    6. Are you still working for the same firm?
    7. Have you talked to / heard from Jenny recently?
    These two phrases are more specific than What's new? And, What have you been up to? but are still enquiries for information.

    8. I haven't seen you for ages.
    This has a similar meaning to, What have you been up to? but is expressed as a statement rather than a question.

    9. What a coincidence!
    10. Fancy meeting you here!

    Phrases used to express surprise when you meet someone you weren't expecting to meet.
    That’s all you need to know to start a chat with anyone, everyone the person sitting next to you. Now take a breath, smile and say hello.




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