• spacey_07     Made in China, a way out.

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Made in China , a way out

    By making things and selling them outside, China has transformed itself---and the world economy with it. As we have seen, the “Factory Asia” now makes almost half of the world’s goods.

    Granted, China has three formidable advantages in manufacturing that benefit the economy as a whole. First, it’s cling on to low-cost manufacturing, even as it goes upmarket to exploit higher-value activities. China’s second strength is Factory Asia itself. The large low-income population of countries in South-East Asia have reinforced a regional supply chain with China at the centre. And the third advantage is that China is increasingly a linchpin of demand.

    However, with these advantages vanishing those problems are emerging. Like, product safety has been a hot spot of society with some recent high-profile recalls made in China. And product quality is troublesome, cuz the quality of products made in some other countries are likely to be seen as “excellent or very good” but those made in China are rated as “fair or poor”. Thus, it’s easy to explain the white heat of shopping overseas.

    To sum up, for “made in china”, where is a way out? First of all, deft policy could boost these advantages still further. As not a radius of no rules. Second, using automation to raise productivity, offsetting some of the effect of higher wages would be the new “made in China 2025” strategy. And the top priority is we must develop our integrity and innovation. Integrity is the root, innovation is the power.

    In the end ,wish “made in China” be strong in the shuffle. There is a way out, I believe.

    1970-01-01   14赞       1踩       1894浏览 评论(13)


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