• Phyllis燕砸     实用酒店餐厅日常用语

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Booking 预定
    What the customer says:
    "I booked a table for two for … (8pm). 我订了2个人的桌子,是8点的。
    "It's under the name of …" 预订人的名字是……
    "A table for two please." 我们有2个人。

    What the waiter says:
    "Of course. Please come this way." 没问题,请跟我来这边。
    "Your table isn't quite ready yet." 您的桌子还没有准备好。
    "Would you like to wait in the bar?" 您想在bar等一下吗?
    "We're fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?" 我们餐厅目前全部满了,您可以稍后再来看一下吗?

    Asking about the menu 询问菜单
    These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren't sure of something on the menu.当客人对菜单里的菜有些疑问时,他们会问……
    "What's … exactly?" 这个到底是什么?
    "Is this served with … (salad)?" 这个配菜是什么?(沙拉吗?)
    "Does this have any … (seafood) in it?" 这个菜里面有……吗?(有海鲜吗?)
    "What do you recommend?" 有什么推荐的吗?

    Ordering 点单
    What the waiter says:
    What the waiter says:
    "Are you ready to order?" 准备好点单了吗?
    "Can I take your order?" 我可以为你点单吗?
    "Anything to drink?" 想喝点什么?
    "Would you like … (chips) with that?" 你想顺带着来点……?(薯片吗?)

    What the customer says:
    What the customer says:
    "I'll have…" 我想要……
    "I'd like…" 我想要……
    "Can I have …" 我想要……
    "We'd like to order …" 我想要……

    If there are problems with the order, the waiter can say:
    "I don't think we have any more … (lobster) left. I'll check with the kitchen." 我们应该没有龙虾了,我去厨房看一下。
    "I'm sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished." 很抱歉,大虾汤没有了呢。

    Dealing with problems 处理问题
    What the customer says:
    "Excuse me, but I didn't order this." 不好意思,我没有点这个。
    "I'm sorry, but this is cold." 不好意思,这个菜是冷的。
    "Can I change my order please?" 我可以换菜吗?

    What the waiter says:
    "I'm so sorry about that…" 很抱歉……
    "Let me take it back for you." (take it back = return it to the kitchen) 让我把它退回厨房去。
    "Let me change it for you." 我帮你换一个。

    Getting the bill 买单
    What the customer says:
    "Can we have the bill please?" 我可以买单吗?(其实就是口头的,服务员!买单!)
    "Could we get the bill?" 我可以买单吗?
    "Could we pay please?" 我可以买单吗?
    ("bill" in British English; "check" in American English.) Bill是英式英语中的账单,check是美式英语中的。

    What the waiter says:
    Sure, let me get bill for you, I will be right back. 好的,我去给你拿账单,马上回来。
    Yes sure. How would you like to pay? 当然,您想如何支付?
    Would you like to pay in cash or credit card? 您想用现金还是信用卡支付?

    这是菜单,准备点单的时候请叫我。Here is the menu, let me know once you are ready to order

    祝您顺利! Good luck!

    要我给您上点新鲜的水果吗? Shall I help you some fresh fruits?

    要给您来点喝的吗?Would you like something to drink?

    要来点甜品吗?Would you like to have dessert?

    我很同意。 I quite agree.

    干! Bottom up!

    我可以撤掉这些盘子吗? May I clear away the dishes/May I take it away, Please?

    我们可以清理台面吗? May I clear the table, Sir?

    现在可以为您结帐吗? Sir,would you like to settle the bill please?

    这是您的找头,谢谢。 It is your change. Thank you very much.

    请您签字 Please sign your name, Sir.

    先生,这是您的账单。 Here is your bill, Sir.

    先生,您的信用卡刷不了,有其他的吗? I am sorry Sir, your credit does not go through, do you have another one?

    您可以用现金或信用卡付账。You can either pay in cash or in credit card.

    先生,一共是880元。That will be eight hundred and eighty yuan, Sir.

    先生,这是您的收据。 Here is your receipt, Sir.

    这是您们各自的收据和找头。Your separate checks/receipts and the change, please.

    对不起,先生,算错了帐。Sorry, Sir, there is mistake in the bill.

    你多付了30元钱。 It should be 30(thirty) RMB yuan less.

    祝您旅途平安。 Have a pleasant journey.

    希望再一次见到您。 Hope to see you again.

    1970-01-01   17赞       1踩       1081浏览 评论(10)
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