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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《魔发奇缘》


    An enduring love story between a queen and her corgis

    No world leader has been as widely identified with a particular animal as Britain's Queen Elizabeth II with her corgis. Precisely why she gave her heart to the breed is her secret.

    Since her father brought one home from a kennel in 1933 when she was a young girl, she has received comfort and love from the corgis during hard times, especially the long days and nights of World War II.

    One of the corgis, named Jane, was Elizabeth's childhood strength until, in 1944, she was accidentally run over by a car whose driver worked at Windsor Great Park. The same day, the princess wrote a letter to the driver, telling him that she was certain it was not his fault.


    She gets from them unlimited amounts of love and physical affection, uncompromised by the knowledge that she is the monarch.

    The corgis are more than symbols. In a life ruled by protocol, they provide an easy way for the queen to break the ice with strangers.

    Whenever possible, she feeds the dogs herself and leads them on daily walks, which also serve as a kind of therapy.

    She treated the dogs as members of the family. Corgis have tremendous personalities and are very clever although sometimes a bit naughty.

    Since taking the throne in 1952, she has owned more than 30 of the dogs.

    In 2012 the queen’s 13-year-old corgi named Monty died not long after he was watched by millions in the Olympics Games opening ceremony film. His death at Balmoral threw her into mourning.

    In February this year the queen said she would no longer add to her ever-present pack. Media reported that the queen, at 88, was concerned that tripping over the animals could become a hazard. She still owns two older dogs, Willow and Holly.

    No matter how it ends, it will be remembered as a story full of love.

    好了 下面继续撮👇 假装有图 你们看话绘图啊 可以私信我 择优发布哦

    ▲Elizabeth with her corgis in the garden in London.

    ▲Elizabeth holds a Corgi in the grounds of Windsor Castle, May 1944.

    ▲Elizabeth and friend in her garden, 1953.

    ▲The Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Anne and Prince Charles at Balmoral with the newborn Prince Andrew.

    ▲The queen with her dogs at Windsor Castle in 1962.

    ▲The queen arrives at King's Cross railway station in London, Oct.1969.

    ▲Elizabeth and her dogs during a summer holiday at Balmoral, 1976.

    ▲Dogs take a dip while walking with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh in Scotland in 1994.

    ▲The queen’s corgi Monty.

    掩饰不住对女王的爱 女王是传奇啊


    She is so elegant that I like her so much. I like corgis too, though my pets are cats.

    on a special period of time,perhaps corgis gave her more wishes and peaces ,furthermore,the first corgis was given by her dad that just a deeply memory to her family.

    The queen is beautiful although she is over eight years!

    sometimes, i am more willing to tell my dog my secrets

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