• Scorpion(暂离)     The Journey of M

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《讲台深处》


    Chapter 1
    The way to Hogwarts
    M is a pig that likes to play in the mud. Every morning,M plays in the mud. One Sunday morning,as usual,M plays 'roll into mud pig'. But only this time,M is too tired,because she spends a lot of time on doing math problems,in the Piggy Primary School last day. She fell asleep.
    M is in a beautiful forest. 'Hello. How are you doing?'A peacock says. 'Hi!'M answers. 'We are going to Hogwarts! Will you come with us?'The peacock asks. 'Hogwarts?That is where Harry Potter learns magic. I've read a lot about him!'M says happily. ' Harry Potter? I never heard about him. 'The peacock says. 'Sorry. Let's go first,we are going to be late!'' Ok! Ok!”M says.
    They run and run,through the beautiful rivers.
    At nine o'clock,they arrived. ' Hurry up!Professor Snape is going to teach us today. 'One student whispers. 'Snape? That'll going to be bloody brilliant!' The peacock turns at M,'Snape is funny. Let's find our seats quickly!''What? But Snape is awful. He'll beat us all the time!''He? But Snape is a woman! The peacock says. 'What?' M says. Suddenly,the door of the classroom opens.

    Chapter 2. The shape-shift potion

    Here comes a woman with a colorful blouse and a colorful skirt. She has a big nose. 'Hello! Students of Gryffindor. 'Snape says happily. 'Hello,Professor Snape. 'The students say. 'What? Snape is a woman?'M says. 'Yep. I remember I've told you before. ''I think you were just joking. 'M says. 'Of course I was not. I was telling the truth. 'The peacock says. 'Silent! 'Snape says loudly, 'today, we're going to learn about the shape-shift potion.'' Wow! That's pretty cool!' M says. 'Yep. Bloody brilliant!' The peacock says. 'All you have to do is following this list. 'Snape says. Suddenly,a list appears on their desks. 'But I can't read these terrible, strange words!' M says sadly,she looks around. Everyone blow the dust on their lists and disappear. M follows them.
    M hears a strange voice. 'First, put some ginger, claws of the crab into the Magic Pot. Next,stir it softly,and do not spill it. Then,put the hair of the one you want to shape-shift. Finally,you will see pure white fog rises up. You can drink the potion when you see the fog. 'The strange voice says.
    M is in the classroom again. M follows the list. Snape looks around. 'Good!' Snape says to M's classmate,the peacock, the peacock has already finished,'ten points to Gryffindor!'
    A few minutes later, M finishes ,too. She drinks it.
    'Bomb!' There is a loud voice. M turns into a terrible thing.

    Chapter 3. Turned into a monster

    M is standing in the middle of the classroom. She looks at herself. She doesn't have her wiggle tail like before, she has a dragon tail! Her nose is long,it's like the elephant. What's wrong with her hands? Oh,no! They all turned into tiny hummingbird's wings.
    Thousands years ago, dragons had played in the mud. Hundreds years ago, elephants and hummingbirds had been played in the mud. They've dropped a tuft of fur on their bodies. And when M played in the mud, their fur stick on her body. The fur of the animals dropped in the Magic Pot. That's why M turned into a monster.
    The students of Gryffindor run away,except the peacock. Professor Snape is staying in the classroom,too. The peacock yells :'The power of elf! Turn M into herself! 'It's a powerful spell that can turn animals into themselves. But the spell doesn't help out. The peacock read another spell:'Whatali doca! M loca!' It's another useful spell that can help M. But the spell doesn't work. 'Oh,no! I'll never turn into myself! My mom and dad won't know I'm their dear daughter. ' M thought sadly. Just then, Professor Snape says:'Iggety,Zaggety,bow! M should go home. This spell can help the animals turn into themselves easily,and help them go home safely. It's a difficult spell,most wizards cannot do it. 'Snape is a wonderful wizard!' M thought,'she is not like the one who called Snape in ' Harry Potter '. And my dear friend, the peacock is a nice,young wizard as well.' M feels happy because she got a nice friend and a wonderful teacher.

    Chapter 4. Home

    It's a nice,warm day. The wind is blowing softly. A leaf falls down from the tree branch. M opens her eyes and looks at the time it's eight o'clock.It's breakfast time. She looks around. She's in the mud. Suddenly,M understand that she doesn't really go to Hogwarts. It's just a dream.
    'M! Come and have breakfast! 'M's mom calls loudly. 'I'm coming!' M says. She cleans herself with the water quickly. And she runs to the Piggy Family Table. 'It's good to go back home.' M says. 'But you never leave.' Her dad says. 'Well,yes. But my dream seems long to me.' M says, 'I have both a good dream and a bad dream. ''What kind of dream is that?' Her sister,Diana says. 'I have no idea. 'M says. She took a bite on the sandwich and tells her family about her dream. Her mom says:'I'm glad you're back.' M nods with a smile and says:' I think my friend, the peacock and my teacher ,Professor Snape are nice. I miss them. ''Well,you don't have to. It's just a dream.' Diana says. M smiles. Can she stop to miss them? Nope. The adventure seems more important than a dream to M. Do you think so?


    1970-01-01   11赞       0踩       194浏览 评论(6)
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