• Scorpion(暂离)     英文学习之路(有点长,望采纳)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    No 1. 学英语,首先要培养兴趣。
    1、What's in the Box?
    准备道具:一个盒子笔橡皮尺子纸玩具(随你想,只要孩子基本能说出这些英语就可以)我会放一样东西就盒子里,然后让我摸,然后问:“What's in the Box?”我就猜。猜不出的,妈妈就拿出来问一次:“What's in the Box?”我回答:“This is a rubber!”为了营造气氛,所以要搞些好玩搞笑的。有时,妈妈啥也没放进去,就在里面摸了好一会,伸出一只手来,问:“What's in the Box?”我会嘎嘎嘎大笑:“This is a hand!”我又把手放进盒子里,摸了一通,伸出一根手指问,然后miss就答:“This is a finger!”有时我会放脑袋,有时是我的笑脸!一只脚,两只脚,都可以!你能想到多好玩就怎么玩!
    2、What's this?
    这个基本不用准备东西,如果能准备头饰,可能孩子更喜欢。几个孩子跟在我后面走,中间隔着两步的距离!他们问:“What's this?”我站住,转头回答:“It's a rabbit
    !”回答完接着往前走几步,然后后面的小朋友又问:“What's this?”我又停住。转过头回答:“It's a cat!”回答完还是往前走一步,后面小朋友问:“What's this?”,我停住,回答:It's a lion!”一说完‘lion’,小朋友们就往后逃(逃过安全线就安全了),我就开始追,抓到了,那人就开始当回答的那个!
    3、Wolf wolf what time?
    “Wolf wolf what time?Wolf wolf what time?”胆战心惊地问老狼时间的时候,你可要随时做好拔腿就跑的准备哦,不然就会成了老狼的美食。
    游戏规则:一个同学扮狼,背对着其他的人站在五米远的地方。当其他人问道:“Wolf wolf what time?Wolf wolf what time?”老狼”便回头报出一个时间。假如“老狼”说“10点钟”,其他人就向着“狼”的方向走1步。当大家离“老狼” 越来越近的时候,“狼”就可以忽然说“Dinner time!”,然后转身追大家。
    4、碰地雷。中文游戏里有这个游戏。就是数数。比如4的倍数不能数,只能用拍手代替。大家一起数one two three,拍手....或者是拿出几个单词,指定某一个为地雷,我读一个,其他人跟读,但是如果读到地雷的那个单词就不能跟读,不然要炸死的!哈哈......
    5.我兴趣班老师玩过一个游戏也不错!一个人出题:one Plus five ......另一个人就回答one Plus five equals six。
    6.miss在外教班还玩顶卡片游戏,老师拿着一张卡片,让你读出卡片上的单词,但是老师会有要求,说:“With the head card and read it out!”或者“Jump and read it out!”等等!
    No.2. 听
    1. 听,坚持听。选择一个合适的听力资源,然后坚持听。我原来是每天临睡和上学路上听。听多久这个要看不同孩子。我喜欢的音频会听好多次。最初听的音频我都能模仿下来。听,锻炼的是听力。这个非常重要,就像我们牙牙学语也是从听开始的。
    2. 还是听。但这个听有包含到看的内容,也就是看动画片。这点也很重要,情景对应,通过画面更好的理解和模仿。
    No.3. 说&读
    1. 说
    2. 读
    在刚启蒙时,妈妈常和我一起看睡前绘本。绘本字少画多,可以培养兴趣。推荐《The little princess》《鸽子系列》还有魔方上有的《Peppa Pig》
    接着可以看简单章节书,如《My Weird School》
    然后是稍微难一点点的章节书 《Zark》《A to Z Mysteries》
    然后看像《Harry Potter》这样的书。
    No.4. 写
    1. 语法
    都说学英语就像吃中药,良药苦口。语法这块是最枯燥的。推荐《Grammar English in Use》这样的原版书籍。
    2. 写
    1. A Fight With My Friend
    I had a fight with my friend Jane a year and a half ago.
    The fight took place at my house. The fight was over a poker game. I saw Jane cheat, but she didn't admit it.
    We started arguing about it, and she even called me liar. She kicked me and I kicked her back. She even pulled my hair. I got so mad at Jane that I shouted at her. I stopped speaking to her for three days. I was angry, but I felt terrible about it.
    Three days later, I finally spoke to her:' Dear Jane, I apologized for what I have done. And I don't care that you cheated or not. You are always my good friend. 'Jane accepted my apology, and admitted that she cheated. Now we are good friends again.
    I hope we'll never fight again.
    A Fight With My Friend
    I had a fight with my friend Jane last a year and a half ago.
    The fight took place at my house. The fight was over a poker game. I saw Jane cheat,but she didn't admit it.
    We started arguing about it, and she even called me liar. She kicked me and I kicked back. She even pulled my hair. I got so mad at Jane that I shouted at her. I stopped speaking to her for three days. I was angry, but I felt terrible about it.
    Three days later, I finally spoke to her,' Dear Jane, I apologize for what I have done. And I don't care that you cheated or not. You are always my good friend. 'Jane accepted my apology, and admitted that she cheated. Now we are good friends again.
    I hope we'll never fight again.
    2. Characters:
    Piggy: The plaintiff.
    Mr. Wolf: The boss of the company ' Shiny Sun'. The defendant.
    Lawyer 1: Piggy's lawyer.
    Lawyer 2: Wolf's lawyer.
    1. In Piggy's house.
    Narrater: Piggy is a rich man,But he never uses much money. He wants to buy a solar car. Because that is better for the earth. One day, he saw a cheap solar car company.' Shiny Sun',so he called Mr. Wolf immediately.
    Piggy: Hi . This is Piggy. Are you Mr. Wolf?
    Mr. Wolf: Yup. What do you want to buy?
    Piggy: A solar car. I want you to make sure it can drive for at least 10 years.
    Mr. Wolf: Of course. It can last 100 years if you want.
    Piggy: Ok, then. My address is $@'knjherinmndksha.
    Mr. Wolf: I will take it to your home in a week. Hope you like it.
    2. On the highway. (Two months later. )
    Narrater: Piggy was driving his car at a safe speed on the highway. He was going to his office as usual. But something happened.
    Piggy: This car is nice. I will never worry@@@ about the gas.
    Narrater: Suddenly,the car couldn't move anymore. Another car bumped to Piggy's car and hurt him. An ambulance came.
    3. In the court. (Two weeks later. )
    Judge: Please tell us what areyou thinking, lawyer 2.
    Lawyer 2: This case make me feel so angry. Piggy cannot drive well, so he blames Mr. Wolf.
    Judge: What makes your say that?
    Lawyer 2: When did you get your driving license, Piggy?
    Piggy: About four months ago.
    Lawyer 2: See? He is a new driver,Which means he cannot drive well. but he blames Mr. Wolf. The sun wouldn't disappear.
    Piggy: How could you? My teacher said
    I am better than some people who get their license two years ago!
    Judge: Silence! Let lawyer 1 tells us what he thinks.
    Lawyer 1 : Here's what I think. We all know that the sun cannot disappear for no reasons. And we know that Piggy can drive well. And we know how the sun do to the solar pad. It spreads energy tothe pad,and the pad create electricity that makes the solar car work. Which means: the solar car cannot work without the sun. But the sun is still there. With Piggy's good driving skill, the car wouldn't stop, right? So there must be something wrong with the parts of the car. I find out that 'Shiny Sun ' is using cheap solar pads, that would make the car cannot get the solar energy easily, that is why the car stopped. Am I right, Mr. Wolf?
    Mr. Wolf: Well,yes.
    Judge: All right. Case solved. I think Mr. Wolf should say sorry to Piggy. And look after him in the rest of the day.
    Narrater: after that, 'Shiny Sun 'is getting better and better. Which means the sun is shiny again!


    1970-01-01   37赞       0踩       902浏览 评论(19)
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