• 粥运隆Felix     忽然想唱这首歌?

    • If I could stop history in its tracks maybe I would.

    • 我会让历史停止前进,如果我能的话。

    • from:《唐顿庄园最终季预告》

    在录完唐顿庄园的段子之后,忽然很想唱它的背景音乐Time to say goodbye。以前就听过,之前好声音里平安还唱过,印象也是挺深的了。我今天就有感而发也来唱一遍哈哈!原词是意大利语的我并不会,为了找英文版的也是费尽心思了😂😂😂虽然已经练了好一(ji)阵(fen)子(zhong)了但是还是有各种瑕疵,而且也没敢放开嗓子唱怕扰民😷大家就别太在意啦哈哈


    When I am alone I sit and dream
    And when I dream the words are missing
    Yes I know that in a room so full of light
    That all the light is missing
    When I don't see you with me, with me
    Close up the windows
    Bring the sun to my room through the door you've opened
    Close inside of me the light you see
    That you met in the darkness
    Time to say goodbye
    Horizons are never far
    Would I have to find them alone
    Without true light of my own with you
    I will go on ships overseas that I now know
    No they don't exist anymore
    It's time to say goodbye




    1970-01-01   24赞       0踩       432浏览 评论(44)
男 入行配角lv19


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