• 无名小船     Less is More

    • and might actually make you a little happier.

    • 会让你过得更轻松和更愉快。

    • from:《多功能小公寓》

    在杂志上读到了Graham Hill的一篇 Less is More的文章,觉得与本段配音秀很是般配,所以拿来读一下,各位请对照原文听读吧!


    Did you know that we Americans have about three times the amount of space we did 50 years ago? Three times. So you'd think, with all this extra space, we'd have plenty of room for all our stuff. Nope. There's a new industry in town, a 22 billion-dollar, 2.2 billion sq. ft. industry: that of personal storage. So we've got triple the space, so we've become such good shoppers that we need even more space. So where does this lead? Lots of credit card debt, huge environmental footprints, and perhaps not coincidentally, our happiness levels flat-lined over the same 50 years. Well I'm here to suggest there's a better way, that less might actually equal more. So I started a project called Life Edited to further this conversation and to find some great solutions in this area.


    First up: crowd-sourcing my 420 sq. ft. apartment in Manhattan. I wanted it all -- home office, sit down dinner for 10, room for guests, and all my kite surfing gear. With over 300 entries from around the world, I got it, my own little jewel box. By buying a space that was 420 sq. ft. instead of 600, immediately I'm saving 200 grand. Smaller space is going to make for smaller utilities -- save some more money there, but also a smaller footprint. And because it's really designed around an edited set of possessions -- my favorite stuff -- and really designed for me, I'm really excited to be there.


    So how can you live little? First of all, you have to edit ruthlessly. We've got to clear the arteries of our lives. And that shirt that I hadn't worn in years? It's time for me to let it go. We need to think before we buy. Ask ourselves, "Is that really going to make me happier? Truly?" By all means, we should buy and own some great stuff. But we want stuff that we're going to love for years, not just stuff.


    Secondly, our new mantra: small is sexy. We want space efficiency. We want things that are designed for how they're used the vast majority of the time, not that rare event. Why have a six burner stove when you rarely use three?


    So, I'm not saying saying that we all need to live in 420 ft, but consider the benefits of an edited life. So, when you walk through your front door, take a second and ask yourself, "Could I do with a little life editing? Would that give me a little more freedom, maybe a little more time?" Maybe, just maybe, less might equal more. So let's make room for all the good stuff.


    PS:Graham Hill也做了一个关于本文本主题的TED演讲。各位可以去看看哦

    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       221浏览 评论(4)
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