• 粥运隆Felix     .

    • Chapter one,

    • 第一章

    • from:《小熊维尼》

    It's been such a great time here, I enjoy interacting by dubbing movie clips, especially when I first started using this app. But later on, as I'm awful at making friends--though I tried to make things better but failed--there is almost no interaction at all now. And due to my tighter schedule, I guess I no longer have time for this. Since I loved it, so I think I should write something about it to commemorate my days here. Even though no one else would possibly read this, I still consider this crucial, for me.
    As expected, awfully written😒. Well anyway, farewell Mofun Show, I'll miss u and the times we've had. Gesundheit.

    1970-01-01   4赞       1踩       85浏览 评论(13)
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