• simmons大璐     霉霉上海演唱会场馆和一小段memo~

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《维多利亚的秘密2014时装秀》


    因为个人很喜欢1989专辑里附赠的voice memos,所以就录了一段~最后一段语音呢是霉霉上海演唱会宣传视频的开头录音~不能发视频,那就只能录一段霉霉的声音啦~~


    voice memo多少让我了解了一下霉霉的创作过程,这张新专辑只是在表达方式上向pop的方向做了一些尝试,伴奏和beat负责了不少的pop感呢,但不管怎样我都是很喜欢的~~~

    下面就是我刚说的一段blank space 的voice memo~~

    so this next clip is from a session that I had with Max Martin and Shellback and what we like to do is we like to run a recording on our phones of everything we were doing when we were putting a song together just in case one of us blurs out a cool melody and then we forget about it

    And we want to go back and replay the tapes so that we could remind ourselves of what exactly we were saying. And um… so I've got this idea called blank space and this was me playing it for max and shellback for the first time and they are shouting out these productions of ideas like...you know... the "oh" in the beginning of a chorus and that ended up being this song.

    And so this is the very beginning stages of this song in the album called blank space.

    其实还有两段memos, I know places 和 I wish you would, 都很赞哈哈有空补上…




    1970-01-01   94赞       0踩       1150浏览 评论(99)
女 中级配角lv26


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