• 薇薇萌小妹之吃货酱     ?Paris?

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《悉尼》

    I've been very want to go to Paris 🌹The movie said that Paris is a 🌸romantic place.🌸


    I know Paris attractions:😝😶😁


    Glass pyramid
    Designed and built the glass pyramid pei, he borrowed in the design of the ancient Egyptian pyramid model, and used the glass material, pyramid surface area is small, not only can reflect the changing sky Paris, can provide good daylighting for underground facilities, creatively solved the old palace into a modern art gallery, a series of problems, has achieved great success, is famous in the world.
    This building as Mr Berlusconi said: "it predictor of the future, making the Louvre perfect."
    The bottom of the glass pyramid 21 meters high tower, 30 meters wide, four sides together a piece of diamond glass, by six hundred and seventy-three, the total surface area of about two thousand square meters.
    The tower is 200 tons, the total weight of glass net weight 105 tons, only 95 tons of metal stents.
    In other words, the support load more than the weight of its, so experts believe that the glass pyramid is not only reflect the style of modern art, is also a unique attempt to use modern science and technology.
    贝聿铭设计建造了玻璃金字塔,他在设计中借用古埃及的金字塔造型,并采用了玻璃材料,金字塔不仅表面积小,可以反映巴黎不断变化的天空,还能为地下设施提供良好的采光,创造性地解决了把古老宫殿改造成现代化美术馆的一系列难题,取得了极大成功,享誉世界。这一建筑正如贝氏所称:"它预示将来,从而使卢浮宫达到完美。" 玻璃金字塔 塔高21米,底宽30米,四个侧面由六百七十三块菱形玻璃拼组而成,总平面面积约二千平方米。塔身总重量为200吨,其中玻璃净重105吨,金属支架仅有95吨。换而言之,支架的负荷超过了它自身的重量,因此行家们认为,这座玻璃金字塔不仅是体现现代艺术风格的佳作,也是运用现代科学技术的独特尝试。

    The arc DE triomphe

    The arc DE triomphe as its name suggests, is a welcome go out the gate for military triumph.
    It is now the world""s largest a round arches, located at the centre of Paris Charles DE gaulle square in the center of the circle.
    The square is built with a lion and the arc DE triomphe, because after the completion of the arc DE triomphe, brought inconvenience to traffic, and then in the middle of the 19th century, to circumnavigate the arc DE triomphe built a rounded square and 12 road, every road has a 40 ~ 80 meters wide, radiated, bright light like a star, so the square, also called star square.
    The arc DE triomphe, also known as "the gate".
    The end of the arc DE triomphe is located in the famous champs-elysees.
    Original designer is Xia Gelang and arc DE triomphe Lai Meng, because of a disagreement, Lai Meng quit two years later, and finally according to the design of Xia Gelang arc DE triomphe.
    The French national monuments center is responsible for the repair and maintenance management.

    The Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower is worthy of the name Paris landmarks, total height of 324 meters, is the tallest building in Paris, the Eiffel Tower design novel and unique, is the world's masterpiece in the history of architecture technology, built in 1889, the tower also gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel.
    On May 15, 1889, cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony for the world expo, the Eiffel Tower designer Steve · Eiffel planted in the French flag on the Eiffel Tower, 300 meters high, as a result, people in honor of his contribution to the France and Paris, especially under the tower also he is a bust bronze statue.
    In Paris, France is romantic, buildings are low and rich emotional appeal, but in the heart of the city stands up suddenly this ugly, abrupt steel behemoth, citizens of Paris was very angry, want to dismantle the Eiffel Tower, several times that it is affecting the city of Paris, Paris is the worst, the failure of the building, and now has become a French, even the most gold landmark buildings in the world, in 2013, about 2013 people to visit, in 2014, the cumulative attendance has more than two hundred and fifty million people, bring Paris tourist income of up to 2 billion euros per year, and now the people of Paris had already accepted the bring glory to glory in Paris, the Eiffel Tower and take her as a symbol of France, no matter you walk in the street in Paris, looked up and can see the top of the Eiffel Tower.
    The Eiffel Tower has experienced one hundred years of wind and rain, but after the overhaul of the early 1980 s still, stand tall in the Seine river.
    It is the pride of all the French people, but also the pride of the world.


    1970-01-01   22赞       1踩       182浏览 评论(30)
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