• £蓝色╃风铃彡小号     (六)老外看穿越:梦回唐朝是啥样

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《另一个地球》


    Assuming that person just suddenly appears in a small town in the Tang Empire, he is able to communicate with people at that time, and is a well-educated university graduate. How would the modern scientific knowledge he possesses help him survive in the Tang Dynasty in ancient China?
    假设一个人突然发现自己出现在唐朝的一个小镇上,他可以和当时的人交流,还是一个受过良好教育的大学生。那么,他所掌握的现代科学技术知识将如何帮助他在中国古代唐朝生存下去呢? ? 

    答案一 Answer One

    It makes sense that we modern people take our good health condition for granted, and boldly travel back through time without a prior vaccination. That would be a time with variola virus and Pasteurella pestis along with other pathogens that we have no antibody of. And you carry other microorganisms that might infect them.

    Besides, it is notable that Tang dynasty was not always peaceful. If your time were during or after the rebellion of An and Shi, then you might be drawn into one of the largest population migration in Chinese history.

    Answer Two 答案二

    He'll have a hard time. Coz modern technology may seemed to make us smarter on the surface, actually made us less inclined to learn any survival skills. We rely on technology too much, and just because you use the cellphone does not mean you know how to make one and become an inventor of sorts. The components for putting the cellphones together would be unavailable, things don’t drop from the sky really.

    Without cars, I can imagine a typical modern day man is unfit compared to the ancient people who are used to walking, and probably plant their veggie, raised their livestock, and cook over a firewood. A typical modern day guy wouldn’t know all that.

    Also, ancient society is more structured, there is plenty of what you can do and what you cannot. A modern day man might be more impertinent by their standards and get into trouble.


    1970-01-01   23赞       1踩       497浏览 评论(12)
女 入行配角lv22


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