• lily-yolanda     哈佛连读广告看齐????

    • I didn't plan to end up in the food business,

    • 我最初并没打算进入食品行业,

    • from:《哈佛大学宣传片》

    No1, i didn't plan to end up in the food business
    这句子 end up in 三词连读成一词读


    No 2, i left the consulting firm and got a job in a restaurant and then i fell in love with it
    本句里几处连读 got a ,ta 发da 的音,💜
    job in,连成 bin💝then i ,ni ,😫fell in ,lin连读




    No 3, so i came back to boston and open a bakery
    open a 这种连读处处可见哦😄


    No4 when i got to harvard as a freshman, i'd always been kind of a math geek in high school
    when i ,ni😍as a,sa😚,kind of a ,do,fo


    No 5 , so to me it seemed natural to kind of fall into maths
    kind of ,do 同上 🙋🙋🙋fall into ,lin ,,,,,,,fallin to 👿👿👿👿👿


    No6, i think harvard spends a lot of time trying to make sure that all of offerings are
    spends a ,sa读za😝😝😝😝, lot of 连读lotov😭😭😭😭,all of 连读allov😆😆😆


    when i first started it, there was a whole world that kind of opened up
    最常见的重复when i ,ni😊started it ,startedit,t发音很轻
    😪😪😪,was a, wasa读时发za😵😵😵kind of,kindov😓😓😓😓重复,opened up ,du连了


    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       251浏览 评论(0)
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