• 默凡     “返程效应”英语怎么说?

    • You know, you could always jump, boy.

    • 你只要往下跳。

    • from:《幽灵公主》

    Return trip effect refers to the illusion that the return trip takes less time than the initial trip, even when the distance and actual time of both trips are the same.
    You might guess that it has something to do with knowing the route — on the way back, you see landmarks that help you better gauge when you're close to your destination. Well, you'd be wrong!
    According to a study, the return trip effect is seen even when people take different routes on the outward and return trips, because it is created by travelers' memories of their journeys.


    文中的return trip effect就是“返程效应”的意思,其中effect作名词,意为“效应,结果”,强调因果关系,如:The dramatic lighting heightened the effect of the exhibition. (引人注目的灯光加强了展览会的效果。);而outcome强调事件最终的结果,如:The outcome of the war was doubtful.(战争的胜败尚难预料。)
    第一句中的illusion是名词,意为“错觉,幻觉”,如:A mirage is an optical illusion.(海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。)

    1970-01-01   6赞       1踩       121浏览 评论(5)
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