• Serena_NANA     Serena来说说语法 (1)

    • Almost all A's.

    • 几乎是全A。

    • from:《荒野生存》

    Hello大家好 今天Serena来发第一个语法的讲解 照顾大家的需求 就从最最基础的开始了噢 然后会慢慢升级哈 💪Serena会争取每天讲一些 大家一起慢慢积累 积少成多 打败语法哈哈 Serena会查阅资料已保证正确性 所以大家放心看 哈哈 😌今天要讲的呢就是 现在进行时和一般现在时😄 如果大家觉得语法简单也不妨看看 因为以下⬇️都会是英文讲解哈


    1⃣Present continuous
    (am/is/are + -ing)

    We use present continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not complete.

    a) In negative sentences and questions.
    am/is/are not +ing
    I'm not going anywhere today.

    am I +ing ...?
    Is she/he/it +ing ...?
    Are we/they +ing...?
    Is she taking a photo of us?

    b) I'm doing something = I started doing it and I haven't finished it yet.
    Let's go out now. It isn't raining anymore.

    c) You can use present continuous with today/this year/this week etc.
    The company she works for isn't doing so well this year.

    d) We use present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now.
    Is your English getting better?

    e) we use the continuous for temporary situations (things that go on for a short time around now).
    I am living in London with some friends until I find a place to stay.


    2⃣ Present simple ( I do)
    We use present simple for things that happen repeatedly or things in general.

    a) I/we/they/you do ...
    She/he/it does ... These are the present simple.
    She drives a bus.

    b) we use the present simple to talk about something that is true in general.
    The earth goes around the sun.

    c) We use it to say something happens repeatedly or how often we do something.
    I usually go to school at 8 am.

    d) Negative sentences and questions.
    I/you/we/they do not
    She/he/it does not
    He does not go away very often.

    Do you/we/they/I ...?
    Does she/he/it ...?
    Does he play basketball?

    e) sometimes we do things by saying something. I promise/suggest/insist...
    Sorry. I promise I won't be late again.

    f) we use the simple for permanent situations (things that go on for a long time).
    I live in London (I've lived there all my life).


    最后谢谢大家收听 如果有什么不懂的记得评论告诉我 我会争取一一解答 我们一起加油一起进步噢 么么哒😘

    1970-01-01   28赞       1踩       716浏览 评论(30)
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