• RhiannonPsycho     诗人的诗(献给文字工作者罗琳阿姨)

    • The first thing I would like to say is ‘thank you.’

    • 首先请允许我说一声谢谢。

    • from:《JK罗琳在哈佛大学演讲》


    The next poem will be pulled 
from the moonlight.
    it will be a falling star
    it will be a burning branch.
    The next poem will climb down
    from the mango tree while 
I’m dreaming and 
sneak away before I wake.
    The next poem I will plant
    beneath my own skin,
I will walk in the rain 
and allow her to bloom
    The next poem I won’t even write.
    It will descend with the sun,
it will be a walk home 
next to my shadow.

    I am a sword maker
and my blade 
is my pen; I sharpen 
words until they curve
beautifully and sink deeply 
into the skin of the earth;
    I drill with my blade and
unleash the rivers of
    blood’s experience,
staining the dirt, and
    blushing the sky.
    My poetry has become 
the colors of my flesh, lust
    and blood - words towering
    from mountains high,
to valleys low,
where the sun rises,
and the moon sets.
    My poetry is earth’s song,
bejeweled with emerald 
valleys and sapphire 
oceans; the earth is 
my poem.

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       190浏览 评论(6)
女 中级配角lv30


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