• Serena_NANA     最遥远的距离 泰戈尔

    • I want to be with you

    • 我想跟你在一起

    • from:《How Hollywood Says I Love You》

    Hello 大家好 今天Serena来读诗 第一次读诗 大家不要嫌弃 可能跟背景音乐不是很搭 😂 真的很喜欢这首诗 哈哈 太感人 我都快读哭了😢 喜欢的话就赞一个吧😘

    附上一张自己照的大海 面朝大海 春暖花开 哈哈 每天都充满正能量 欧啦啦

    The furthest distance in the world

    Is not between life and death

    But when I stand in front of you

    Yet you don’t know that I love you

    The furthest distance in the world

    Is not when I stand in front of you

    Yet you can’t see my love

    But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both

    Yet cannot be together

    The furthest distance in the world

    Is not being apart while being in love

    But when plainly cannot resist the yearning

    Yet pretending you have never been in my heart

    The furthest distance in the world

    Is not but using one’s indifferent heart

    To dig an uncrossible river

    For the one who loves you


    1970-01-01   16赞       1踩       1405浏览 评论(26)
女 入行配角lv24


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