• fairy泡泡糖     我们真的懂你么?tip

    • Mummy? Can we help you work?

    • 妈妈,我们能帮你工作吗?

    • from:《粉红猪小妹 S01E07》


    n.(名词) [C]尖端,尖儿 pointed or thin end of sth [C](装在某物顶端的)小部分或小物件 small part or piece fitted to the end of sth [C]垃圾弃置场 place where rubbish may be tipped [C]脏的或乱的地方 dirty or untidy place [C]小费,小账 small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi driver, etc.as personal reward for their services [C]有用的小建议,实用的小提示 small but useful piece of practical (动词)vt. & vi. (使)某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒 (cause sth to) rise, lean or tilt on one side or at one end vt. 将(所盛之物)倒出 cause (the contents of sth) to pour out by tilting vt. 给某物装上尖头,置于某物的顶端 cover the end or edge of sth a colour, a substance,etc. vt. 给小费 give a tip to sb vt. 轻打 touch or strike sth lightly vt. 就(某人或某事物)提出意见或建议 give advice or an opinion about sb/sth

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       107浏览 评论(12)
女 中级配角lv27


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