• Bekahhh     正确理解I could use something.

    • I could use some direction

    • 我能使用一些指示

    • from:《Way Back into Love》

    这是一个informal的表达 常用于口语中。并不是字面上“我可以用”的意思

    I could use something means that I would like that "something" or that I would benefit from it.

    Eg. 1. I could use some help means that I'd welcome some help.
    2. I could use a hug means that I'd appreciate a hug.

    所以本句中I could use some direction 意思是 我需要一些指导。

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       60浏览 评论(2)
女 中级配角lv25


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