• Michele_Veblen     Self introduction·自我介绍

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    This is Michele Yuxin_Eloise Veblen,just call me Michele~❤❤❤❤❤or my chinese name妤芯ヾノ≧∀≦)
    It is my first time to try to play mofun_show,I want to make a lot of friends~can i?can i?haha😄😄😄😄😄I hope all of you can be my good friends -- you can chat with my private letters.
    ༺L͙⃐o͙⃐v͙⃐e͙⃐ aྀ༾lྀ༾lྀ༾ oཻ̥fཻ̥ y༵⃕o༵⃕u༵⃕࿐
    ࿏gཻ͙oཻ͙oཻ͙dཻ͙nཻ͙iཻ͙gཻ͙hཻ͙tཻ͙ ę⃐v̨⃐ę⃐r̨⃐yཽ༙bེ̤̮oེ̤̮dེ̤̮yེ̤̮llıllı

    1970-01-01   10赞       0踩       710浏览 评论(13)
女 入行龙套lv5


粉丝 135关注 3