• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 30

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 giant squid:
    (1) giant 同类词big – huge – large – enormous;
    (2) squid: 鱿鱼;octopus 章鱼。
    2 scientist – science n. 科学;- ist名词后缀,表“人”;
    例:piano – pianist; art – artist
    3 regularly adv. – regular adj. 有规律的,定期的

    1 I bought New Scientist magazine this week, Dad. buy – bought
    2 I’ll give you the money for that. = I’ll give the money to you for that.
    3 How much did you pay for it? pay for 为… 支付;spend … on在…方面花费
    = How much did you spend on it?
    4 It cost three pounds seventy. cost - cost
    = Robert spent three pounds seventy on the magazine. / Robert paid three pounds seventy for the magazine.
    5 I enjoy New Scientist, too. enjoy 近义词like, love; 短语:enjoy doing sth.
    6 There’s a piece in it about a giant squid. a piece 一篇;about 关于
    7 It’s on show at the Natural History Museum.
    at the Natural History Museum
    8 It’s 9 meters long. = It’s 9-meter long.
    It’s a 9 – meter long squid. (做定语时只能用数词加连词附再加单位单数形式的表达方法)
    口诀:有“数”没“横” ;有“横”没“数” ;有“横”万能 有“数”“be”护
    9 That’s as long as a London bus!/ It’s eyes are as big as plates, and its suckers are as big as a man’s leg. as … as 复习
    10 The rest of the family will be at the athletics.
    短语:the rest of….. 其它的…; 剩下的……

    🌟语法: 原级比较的复习。

    1 他是个科学家,不是么?
    2 —他是科学家吗? —不,他不是. 他是钢琴家
    3 他得花950元买这双雨鞋。
    4 这只猫业余时间喜欢跳舞。
    5 许多恐龙化石在博物馆展出。
    6 每年农博会都会展出许多植物。 Many kinds of plants in Agriculture Fair every year.
    7 两米高
    8 五米深
    9 30米宽
    10 他像超人一样酷。He the superman.
    11 她每天都做瑜伽因此她就可以和她的主人一样健康了.
    She does the yoga everyday so that she can _________________________.
    12 詹姆斯吃了剩下的冰激凌。

    1 I paid 120 yuan for the yoyo. (用spend on 短语做同义句)

    2 He spent 3988 yuan on the tablet computer. (用Pay for 短语做同义句)

    3 He paid about 200 million for the personal plane. (用spend on 短语做同义句)

    1.New Scientist, the magazine, bought, Robert.
    2.paid, he, it, for, three pounds seventy.
    4.is,there,story,a,a giant squid,about.
    5.on show,is,it.

    1 It’s a 20-metres walk.
    2 The road is 3-metres wide.
    3 It’s a 3 legs table.
    4 He is as taller as his father.
    5 Lily as beautiful as a princess.
    6 His English is as good as his brother.
    7 I hope I can as rich as Bill Gates.
    8 Her dress is as nice as Helen.

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       54浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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