• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 29

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1、 break the record 打破记录
    2、 nearest:距离最近的
    3、 far-farther/further-farthest/furthest

    1. Paul ran the fastest. Paul跑的最快。
    2. He was 15 seconds faster than his nearest rival. 他比第二名的选手快15秒。
    3. That was 3 centimeters higher than all the others.
    = That was 3 centimeters higher than all the other athletes.
    用法: the others (两部中的其它另一些人或物,名词性短语)
    the other …… (两部分中的其它另一些……,后加名词复数, 形容词性短语)
    4. He jumped further/farther than anyone. 他比任何人跳的都远。
    5. He broke his personal record. 短语break one’s personal record 打破个人纪录
    保持记录keep the record; 个人电脑:personal computer; 私人生活:personal life.
    6. No one’s better than our Paul!(用比较级的结构表达“最…”的概念)
    = Paul is better than the other athletes. / Paul is better than the others.
    = Paul is the best.

    1 句型:No one’s better than …… (用比较级的结构表达“最…”的概念)
    2 副词比较级及最高级的综合运用及练习。
    主语+v. +副词最高级+范围

    I. 翻译。
    1 乌龟在赛跑中获得了第一名。
    (1) (2)
    2 保罗打败了(beat)他的对手们并赢得了比赛.
    II. 根据课文内容描述Paul。
    Paul is a athlete. He ran the in the 800 meters race. He was 15 seconds than his nearest .
    III. 完成下列反义疑问句。
    1 He went shopping yesterday,_________?
    2 It was a rainy day,________?
    3 Paul came first in the 800 metres,_______?
    4 They are fantastic athletes,_________?
    5 She had a good time,__________?
    IV. 翻译句子。
    1. 他跳的最高。

    2. Mike跑的比Peter快。

    3. 在班级里,Lily学习最认真。

    4. Bill跑的比Sam慢。

    5. Lucy和Grace跳舞一样好。

    6. 长江没有尼罗河长。

    7. 世界上最高的建筑物是什么?

    8. 这些男孩子比任何人都帅。

    9. 这几个人当中,Mike的书最少。

    10. May 比John更快地完成了这个工作。

    V. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
    1. Yang Lei is as ________(handsome) as Jack.
    2. Tom works ____________(hard) than me.
    3. Lily listens to the teacher ____________ (careful) in the class.
    4. Turtles runs ____________(slow) than the rabbit.
    5. This piece of news sounds _______________(exciting) than that one.

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       60浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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