• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 26

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 report n. 报告;v. 报道 reporter 记者
    2 excellent 优秀的
    3 Geography 地理 biology 生物
    4 everything 用做主语时,谓语动词用单数
    例:Everything is here.
    5 come top (in) 反义短语 come bottom (in)
    6 enough adj. 足够的(修饰名词时,放在名词前); adv. 足够地(修饰形容词或副词,且后置)
    n. 足够
    big enough 足够大 old enough 年龄足够大 good enough足够好
    例:1. There is enough water in the bottle. 2. They cannot walk fast enough.

    1 What’s your report like? = How is your report?
    2 Can I have a look?
    Can I have a look at it? = Can I look at it?
    3 But not as good as yours and Vikki’s.
    4 You’re both cleverer than me. 形容词比较级句子
    5 She’s the cleverest girl in the school. 形容词最高级句子。
    6 I always come bottom in Sports.
    7 But obviously not hard enough.(修饰形容词或副词,且后置)
    hard enough 足够努力

    The is making a about the earthquake in Japan.
    1 他们的考试成绩怎么样?
    2 他们经常在篮球比赛中取得第一。
    3 他们经常在足球比赛中排倒第一。
    4 他经常在考试中倒第一。
    5 这儿有给小狗的足够的骨头吗?
    6 Steven is the worst student in my class. He always _____ ____(倒第一) in the exam.
    1 John’s school report is (bad)than Mart’s.
    2 Mart’s school report is (good) than John’s.
    ( )1. ________in the exam was quite a success.
    A. Coming up ​B. Coming top ​C. Coming bottom
    ( )2. Tom’s report was ___________ of all.
    A. worst ​​B. worse ​C. the worst ​D. the worse
    ( )3. The pink one is _________ of the two.
    A. cheaper ​B. the cheapest ​C. the cheaper ​​D. cheapest
    ( )4. Cindy is a _______ girl. She always does her homework __________.
    A. careful; carefully ​B. carefully; careful ​C.careful;careful ​D. carefully; carefully
    ( )5. This coat is too small. Can you give me a _______one?
    A. big ​B. biggest ​C. bigger ​​D. the bigger
    ( )6. Mandy isn’t ____________ to be a fashion model.
    A. enough tall ​B. taller enough ​C. tall enough
    ( )7. Lucy’s Maths report isn’t ________________ Lily’s.
    A. very good as ​B. better as ​C. as better as ​​D. as good as
    1. Vikki’s report is always Lucy’s.
    2. Lucy’s report is Flora’s.
    3. Flora’s report is Lucy’s and Vikki’s.
    4. They are both Flora.
    5. Vikki is girl in the school.
    6 Flora is gymnast.

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       51浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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