• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 25

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 短语:save water; save time; save money - (节省) save the earth – (拯救)
    2 prefer 短语:
    prefer A 喜欢,宁愿要某物;
    prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B。
    例:I prefer fish to meat. 我喜欢鱼而不喜欢肉。
    3 短语:on the left; on the right
    例:the one on the left 在左边的那个
    4 quality n. 短语:in quality 在质量方面
    5 as … as 与…一样(原级比较, 中间加形容词或副词的原级)
    not as/so…as… 不像……那么……
    6 difference n.区别
    tell the difference 说出区别
    7 go with 与…搭配
    8. on the left/right在左边,在右边
    9. be made of由……制成 (能看出材料)
    be made from… 由……制成 (不能看出材料)

    1 They’re both the same. They’re both the same size. They’re both the same color. They’re both the same style.
    2 One is made of linen and the other is made of microfiber.
    短语:be made of …由…制成的.
    与be made from 的区别:
    be made from (是指看不见原材料的)由…制成的;
    be made of (是指能看出原材料的)由…制成的.
    3 The microfiber one is cheaper than the linen one. 形容词比较级复习cheaper than
    4 It isn’t as expensive as the linen one. 短语:as + 形容词、副词原级 +as (原级比较)
    5 I can’t tell the difference. 短语:tell the difference 说出不同


    原级比较的用法 as…as… / 否定not as (so) … as

    I. 翻译。
    1. 谢谢你救了我的儿子Thank you for _________ my son.
    2. QQ比奔驰更便宜。 QQ is Benz.
    3. 我的书和你的书一样厚。 My book is ___________yours.
    4. 她的电脑不像你的电脑那样新。 Her computer is not __________ yours.
    5. 这个发型与他的服装不搭配?
    6. 我想买一双鞋和我的西服搭配。 I want to buy a pair of shoes to ______my suit.
    II. 选择 。
    ( )1.There are two coats here. Which one do you_____?
    A. like ​B. prefer ​C. love
    ( )2. I’ m ten years old. Annie is ten years old. So, we are _____ age.
    A. same ​B. the same ​C. different ​D. the different
    ( )3.The ring is made____ gold.
    A. in ​B. from ​C. of
    ( )4.The book is made____ wood.
    A. from ​B. of ​C. in
    ( )5. 她的肌肤像雪一样白。 Her skin is snow.
    A. as whiter as ​B. the same white C. whiter than D. as white as
    ( )6. 她的头发像夜一样黑。 Her hair is the night.
    A. as blacker as B. the same black C. as black as D. as black
    ( )7. Who is __________ student in your class?
    A. tall B. the taller ​C. the tallest
    ( )8. My house is as ___________ as yours, isn’t it?
    A. big B. bigger ​C. the biggest

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       39浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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