• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念2B. Unit 21

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    1 weather forecast 天气预报 = weather report
    weather forecaster 天气预报员 = weather reporter
    2 announcer 构词:announce (v. 声明)+ r
    3 go over to 转到 - (对应短语)back to回到
    4 in the next few days/years/weeks/months… 在未来的几天/年/周/月里……
    5 bring in 带来
    6 gradually adv. 逐渐地– adj. gradual 逐渐的
    7 rise to 升到 – (对应短语)fall to降到


    1 will引导的将来时的复习
    2 in +时间段/未来的年份 “…之后”(将来时的时间状语)
    3 过去时与将来时的对比及辨别。
    4 询问和回答天气的句型复习以及描述天气的形容词的复习:
    1 What’s the weather like? = How is the weather? (一般现在时) – It’s …
    What’s was the weather like? = How was the weather? (一般过去时) – It was …
    What will the weather be like? = How will the weather be like? (一般将来时) – It will be …
    2 - What’s the temperature? “气温是多少?”
    - It’s 12 degrees Celsius.
    (零下的表达方法) It’s 4 degrees Celsius below zero.
    sunny, windy, snowy, rainy, foggy, cold, hot, cool, warm, dry, wet.

    1 It’s half past six. It’s time dinner. A. to B. for C. in D. with
    2 It’s time take a shower. A. to B. for C. in D. with
    3 Our life a lot in 2030.
    A. will change B. won’t changes C. changed D. changes
    4 Charlie only two years old in 2000. A. is B. were C. will be D. was
    1 是放松的时候了。
    2 是上课的时间了。
    The weather change .
    4 他们在未来的几小时里就会完成工作。
    They finish the work .
    5 你们将要什么时候去巴黎?我们会在一周以后去那儿。
    ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
    1 It’s time to go to school. It’s time .
    2 It’s time for rest. It’s time .
    四、用let us或let’s填空:
    1. Teacher! ________ drink some water. We are thirsty.
    2. ________ go for a walk together.
    3. Dad, we like football, so ___ _ play for a while.
    1. May _________ (start) to learn piano tomorrow.
    2. Cathy ______ (go) to America in 2009.
    3. People ________ (feel) cold in the next few days.
    4. London _________ (have) some rain showers next week.
    1. I heard a __________(loud) noise just now.
    2. The baby is crying _____________(loud).
    3. Lucy is a ____________(careful) girl. She does everything ___________(careful).
    4. Be ______________(quiet), please.
    5. The ___________(heavy) rain will last a few hours.
    6. I get to understand my mother______________(gradual).

    I. 选择填空
    1. ______ she milk cows last Sunday?
    A. Did ​B. Does ​C. Do
    2. Every morning, Ben’s father ______ for a walk around the lake.
    A. go ​B. goes ​C. went ​D. will go
    3. Where ______ you a moment ago?
    A. A re ​B. is ​C. were
    4. Eric often __________ his bicycle to the shop.
    A. rides ​B. ride ​C. is riding
    5. ______ you _____ the volleyball game next Tuesday?
    A. Do; watch ​B. Are; going to watch ​C. Did; watch
    1. Zhang Xia likes ________(read) books very much. She often ________(read) books in the evening.
    2. ______he ________(eat) ice cream last Sunday?
    3. Nancy is going to _____(play) the piano at the concert.
    4. Look! Nancy __________(sing) an English song now.
    5. She wants __________(buy) a new pen.
    6. Yesterday my mum ___________(come) to our school.
    7. Bob __________(look) for a new job in a week’s time.
    8. She usually ____________(go) to work by bike. But she ______(take) a bus this morning.
    9. ___________your mother __________(watch) TV last night? Yes, she ______.
    10. When _______ you _________(go) on a trip? Next Sunday.
    III. 按要求改写句子。
    1. She went to Beijing last year. (改为否定句)
    She __________ __________ to Beijing last year.
    2. Mary, water the flowers. (改为现在进行时)
    Mary __________ __________ the flowers.
    3. I had a chat with my friend yesterday. (改为否定句)
    I _______ __________ a chat with my friend yesterday.
    4. He’s going to the History Museum. (就划线部分提问)
    __________ _______ he going?
    5. I will buy some new clothes this weekend. (变一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
    __________ ________ buy _______ new clothes this weekend?
    No, ________ __________.
    IV. 翻译句子。
    1. 你这个周末准备干什么?
    What __________ you ___________ to do this weekend?
    2. 你会来参加舞会吗?是的,我 会。
    _______ you ________ to the dance? Yes, ______ _______.
    3. 他们在做什么?他们在帮助一些老人。
    What ________ they ___________? They ___________ _______ some old people.
    4. 两周前这里下雨了吗?不,没下。
    ________ it _______ two weeks __________ here? No, __________ ________.
    5. 他们什么时候搬家?一个月后。
    When __________ they __________ house? ________ a month’s time.

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       81浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv26


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