• 果冻布丁奶茶     杨帅跟读day5

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    What’s the meaning of stars in human culture?

    Honestly, I think your question is way too broad, because we don’t have one single human culture. Our world is divided into thousands, if not tens of thousands of cultures. We have Chinese culture, Japanese culture, French culture, American culture , and so on.
    In China, in ancient times, there were some people hired in the government … they were just hired simply because they needed to look at the sky, study the stars, they needed to see what kind of shape some stars formed. Perhaps different shapes would mean a disaster would happen, or something auspicious would take place. That was their job and the main reason why they were employed.
    I guess that’s part of Chinese culture, but I don’t really know much about other cultures across the world.
    way too broad 过于笼统
    thousands, if not tens of thousands of … 几千,甚至几万…
    auspicious 吉祥的

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       9浏览 评论(0)


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