• SJ.ECS.E.H雪夜草莓     ?→The Vault of Teaching Games!→?【@March打卡?】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Date: Thursday, February27

    ⚜⚜Hello,guys! I'm River!🤓 This is“River's Learning English Notes' Sharing”—Come on in and join me today~

    Firstly, let's check today's English video practice:

    ✔️☑️Try again!换一个!

    Secondly, the presentation and speech for
    💮💮Today's thought :
          🎶   你们要爱惜光阴,用智慧与*外人*交往。你们的言语要常常带着和气,好像用盐调和,就可知道说怎样回答各人。
               Walk in wisdom towards outsiders,making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious,seasoned with salt,so that you may know how you ought to answer each person❕‼️

    Thirdly: 🕵 New Learnings' Sharing→<The Vault of Funny Teaching Games>👯

    GGG:〖Games /🏃Get💃/Gathering〗

    G①:blow the balloons

    Students say the certain word before blowing the balloons, changing the Sounds from high to low with the transfer of the different shapes of the balloons.


    G②:🌬🗣大小声 opposite tune

    学生与教师进行唱反调的游戏,教师声音大,学生声音小; 教师声音小,学生的声音相应变大。


    G③: fly a kite(model)

    G④:👏👏拍手停 clap hands🙌🙌

    教师与学生边拍手边说单词(可以從高到低or從左到右按单词的字母数拼写打节拍),教师停则学生停; 可以集中学生注意力。

    G⑤:长大个 grow taller🐣🐥
    G⑥:🎍🎋木头人 wooden child


    G⑦:模仿秀 imitate show(Students imitate animals' Sounds after teacher's lead)🐿

    G⑧: 👫turn and turn二人传(用于单词考察,需要准备相应词卡)

    ………………🐚Time for Rest🌾……………………


    G⑨:运气球 pass the balloons🐡🐡
    —Dividing students into two groups—
    —Tell them they will have a race—
    —Game Rules: Students should say one word or sentence while passing the balloons—(🏸🏓🏏the specific actions:pass or bounce the ball⚽️)
    —Points/Marks:1.Pass the ball well+1—
    2. Say the Words fluently and correctly+2🐳

    G⑩:🕊🕊翩翩起舞dance with cards
    G[11]:翘翘板 play on the see-saw

    G[12:]🕸🕸蜘蛛侠 spider man🕷🕷


    G[13]:🍳🍳照镜子 look at the mirror👸👸
    ——students do the same action as the teacher

    G[14]:狼来了🐺🐺 the wolf is coming🙀😱


    →<Attention! To ensure every students is safe and control the Class discipline>

    G[15]:🎤猜声音 guess the sound🎧


    G[16]:藏小手 hide the hands


    G[17]: 猜拳 stone, scissors and clothes/[Tiger/Gun/Bomb]


    G[18]:传话 whisper

    ←_←可用于与数字或时间相关的知识操练,大家围成一圈一起问“wolf, wolf, what’s the time?”当说到约定的时间时所有同学跑向自己的座位或指定的安全区,被抓住的学生要进行扣分或表演节目的处罚……

    Views 2020———🔚———💤💤So much for today's Sharing and see u next time!🙋🙋

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