• TiAmo__     【抗击疫情】The most beautiful countermarching people 最美逆行者

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    ❤ “逆行者”是近年来常见的赞扬那些在重大危难事件面前迎着危险逆向而行的勇敢的人们的流行词,现在这个词又高频率地用来赞美那些奔向疫情中心地武汉的全国各地的医务工作者。💐


      New year's day, the streets that should have been full of traffic were a little lonely, with few pedestrians wrapped up tightly and wearing masks. It's all because of the new coronavirus.


      "Why hasn't the mask arrived?" Mother often speaks to herself anxiously.


      "Wild animals can't eat now!" During the new year's meal, the adults suddenly became very suspicious.


      "So many more overnight." Every morning my father looks at the news and says.


      This Spring Festival everyone is frightened by the new coronavirus. "



    In 2003, the whole country guarded the post-90s. In 2020, the post-90s guarded the whole country.👍


    👼You think it's a smooth sailing, in fact it was sailing against the currents for the others.


    There is no age of peace . We just live in a peaceful country.🎈


    😌There are such a group of people who know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the tiger mountain. They have become the most beautiful rebels in this winter, and they have gone to the front line of fighting the epidemic. They are not only unable to reunite with their families, but also stick to the front line of the game of life and death with practical actions.



      Salute the rebels! With you, I believe that this is a "unity war" that will win.




    1970-01-01   24赞       4踩       9667浏览 评论(4)
女 中级龙套lv10


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