• SJ.ECS.E.H雪夜草莓     Refresh → * Reminds:?『?Undiscoverd Sharing//Enjoy Being Alone……』

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    🎤【 Q①: 】When you are grounded for a long time at home or even being confined in the village for uncertain situations like the disease or infection,what will you do and what should you do firstly?
    🎪 【A:】Check your deposits to see whether it is enough to afford your expenses during the time without a job,and learn to prepare ample food or other goods or materials for the rainy day!

    【Q②:】How to spend the time when you have to stay at home?
    →【A①:】“Cooking Meals🍰🍮🌮🍝🍲”
    →【A②:】💻Watching TV📲or videos in Cellphone ……
    →【A③:】“Study , Reading, Writing And Studying”<having classes on line>~~


    🎙What will you do to make full use of this
    Unexpected holiday? You have the Choice to give your AnswerSheet!

    Well, time is up!⏰🕰Let's have Lunch and Rest ourselves to prepare ourselves well for the coming days! Bye-bye⏳⌛️~~

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       34浏览 评论(0)


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