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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1.1 team work

    Q1:what do you think is the role of a team leader?


    1⃣️A team leader is a person who leads a group of individuals to acheieve set objectives or goals. (达到既定目标)
    2⃣️Providing instruction, direction, and coordinating the team work are the major responsibilities of a team leader.
    3⃣️A team leader also performs many of the same tasks as the rest of the team members.

    ⚠️set objectives or goals

    Q2: what are the effective ways to boost team morale?

    1⃣️One way is to organize team-related events so that employees feel more connected to one another and this will enhance(提高) a greater sense of responsibility for the success of the team.
    2⃣️Another way is to give incentives to those who have performed well,or to address(解决) the suggestions given by team members.

    ⚠️这里的address指的是 处理…问题

    Q3: what is essential in successful team building?

    1⃣️I think the secret of successful team building is setting up mutual trust.
    2⃣️When members share a trusting relationship, they will better communicate with each other.
    3⃣️This helps to bring out the potentials, experiences and creativity of the individual and create good work environment.

    ⚠️bring out 充分发挥

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       715浏览 评论(0)


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