• Gabby·Channing     【10.21】Gabby英语——谈文化 看世界 Chinese Zodiac

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    12 constellations 12星座
    Chinese Zodiac 12生肖
    Chinese believe that those who are born in certain year would inherit the traits of the animals guarding that year中国人认为相应年份出生的人都有自己特殊的品质
    Rats are wise 老鼠代表智慧
    cattle are hard-working 牛代表勤奋
    tigers are courageous 老虎代表勇敢
    rabbits are prudent 兔子代表谨慎
    dragons are rich and respectful 龙代表富贵尊敬
    Snakes are romantic 蛇代表浪漫
    horses are fast 马代表速度
    sheep are sincere 羊代表真诚
    Monkeys are smart and flexible 猴子代表聪明灵活
    chicken are endowed with beauty 鸡代表美丽
    Dogs are faithful 狗代表忠诚
    pigs are amiable 猪代表随和

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       42浏览 评论(0)
女 影后lv60


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