• SJ.ECS.E.H雪夜草莓     ??Positive Discipline//

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    🕰2019/August 29<Thursday>
    →Today's Ideas Sharing: 〃Things don't always work out as you think❗️
    〖译-〗: 小时候,经常听人说,写作文也这样写“世事不如意十有八九”,然而并不能体会到其中隐含的心酸与泪水,只把这当着是一句积极向上,安慰人的话语。但后来,当真正经历过许多,步入社会后,才如人饮水,顿觉此中真意,才真正体会感悟到“古语诚不欺我❕‼️”
    【P.S.】→ In the student time,we often hear the words like“Life is full of disappointments,hardly any can we confide in others” which is originated from the poem of one poet in Song Dynasty. In that time, we just consider it as comfortable and encouraged words, only when we become ⚜⚜grown adults⚜⚜,we then understand the true meaning and charming of these old Chinese words.

    ←There is a crook in the lot of every(世事坎坷辛苦) one,something can be told to others is a few. But anyway, let's cheer us up and work hard together for a bright and splendid future, cause life is on its own way regardless of your sorrows.

    Ok,so much for today's sharing. This is Jennifer·Joye English Sharing. Thanks for your attention! Hope to see you in the next time. 🙋🙋Bye~!

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