• SJ.ECS.E.H雪夜草莓     ?Exploring the things behind the name?? & the enlighten poems!?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    👣Aug 28,2019〃⏰Wednesday→🎬

    ←“The love may become a pretty memory, only that has been frustrated at that time!”


    ——有些时候,无论是亲情,爱情💏,都如同诗中所言; 美好的感情当时只是懵懂茫然,后来回忆时只觉当时真的是不成熟,后知后觉,没有珍惜,徒留遗憾!

    Okay, no long stories today,let's just cut to the point and begin our today's sharing journey!
    〖 For the sake of comprehension, i have to use some Chinese in case of need.〗
    Recently, i have listened a lecture and learned some things! When we mentioned our names, some people would say the name that our parents gave us is just easy for remember or a simple form of address.
    But have you ever thought that, my friends, If we think it from another way, we may find some interesting&meaningful things!
    For example, as a teacher, If we teach our students to exploring the history and underline meanings of their names, they may have more interests to learn the related things and get more knowledge links. Meanwhile, they may develop a sense of pride for their names and themselves. This teaching method may arouse their aspriations of study and to set a high goal or ideal, just to be a worthy man or just be worthy of their names!

    So, one thing can consider from differnt sides and ways. In different place or position, we see different things. Just as the ancient Chinese poem:
    “横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”。 Of course, we can also call it as“lateral/divergent thinking”.

    Now, that's all for today's English sharing. I'm Jennifer·Joye, see you in the next time. Be there or be square,🙋🙋 bye~~

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