• SJ.ECS.E.H雪夜草莓     ?Find your own tempo which is suitable(just for u)!?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

      🙉 Hi! Guys, it's been lovely to cathing up!

    Life isn't easy, but I cheer myself up; things are tough, but I keep it up/hold the line!


    🐣🐥Today's thoughts: Have a rest and slow down your step, you may get an unexpected improve!🐳🦄

    ⏰Aug. 21,2019⏳⌛️~

    Today's topic:

    ①: money💸💸(谈钱💰真的伤感情,但不谈真不行😂)

    ②:credit(Will you go back on your words for some reasons?🎓🎓先学做人,后学做事; ✍先立德,后树人🤓 )

    ③: Mastering the usage of the sentence pattern"Would/Could you tell me……?"

    For example:1) Could you tell me where my fault is or why I am out/pass without any omen?

    2) Could you tell me the method/ways to correct my shortcomings?

    📚📖Today's New Words& English Expressions Collection:〔You may take down the notes~~✍✍〕

    ① bona fides 诚信度
    ② goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩🐔
    ③ nut shell空集



    ……………๑•́ End of Today's Sharing •̀๑…………

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       67浏览 评论(1)


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