• 昵称加载中_64     Happy Mother’s Day

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    There is no love,like mother’s love
    No stronger bond on earth
    I have remembered you make breakfast for
    I have heard you greed me happy birthday
    I have remembered we went travel together
    I have felt you encouraged me when I meet trouble
    I have heard your said be safe on the road
    I have felt your love and worry
    I have remembered you take care of me when I’m sick
    I have felt your voice when I dream
    I have seen you whenever I look
    I have seen your smiling face
    I have felt happiness
    Because you are always in my heart dear mom


    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       240浏览 评论(0)


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