• 打扰了打扰了     艾伦秀——和艾伦学口语(四)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    啦啦啦 ,艾伦秀继续更新啦~


    ①I have a rampant imagination. 我的脑洞非常大

    ②I’ve got pressure problems ,anxiety issues, pstd.我有压力问题、焦虑问题和创伤后应激障碍

    ③cardio 有氧运动
    This is how you get your cardio.这就是你有氧运动的方式

    ④That was a tough category.那个门类的竞争很激烈

    ⑤ people keep coming to it by word of mouth.人们通过口碑相传

    ⑥ it builds an audience that way . 渐渐积累观众

    ⑦nominate 提名
    Because you were nominated for acting. 因为你凭着表演获得了提名。

    ⑧huge furor 大新闻

    ⑨intervene 干涉

    ⑩be riled up 愤怒,情绪激动

    11. foolhardy 鲁莽

    12. that might scare any violence out of the situation. 可能会震慑住暴力的发生

    13. keep the car running 车没熄火

    14. kind of adrenaline shot 肾上腺素激增

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       320浏览 评论(1)


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